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Tuesday, April 08, 2014 | Posted by XinJun |
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Hellllllo! As I said, I am back with a new post after mocks have ended (Y)Warning: Major photo spam below, thus collages.
So mocks ended last week, and I'm having a one week break right now. Started off my break by going to this year's Reachout event, by 1M4U, at Taylor's University Lakeside Campus! This year's the second, last year they had Chester See and I couldn't make it *crai* And this year they had lots of others like Kina Grannis, Jun Sung Ahn and most of all, DAVID CHOI ♥
Arm candy of the day from Delirious Accessories and Vibrant Floral and the wristband from them!
Went to their conference in the afternoon, they have some really cool speakers like Rob Dyer (Skate4Cancer) and Scott Hammell (Escape artist) and Andy Ridley (CEO & Co-Founder of Earth Hour).
And then, the YouTube panel (left to right): JinnyboyTV, Jason Chen, Kina Grannis, Madilyn Bailey, David Choi and Jun Sung Ahn
They had like Q&A sessions with them, and all the questions asked by the lucky ones were like, "Can I take a selfie with you guys" or "What inspired you to start YouTube channels" like helllooooo.
Anyway, after that it was the Meet and Greet session, which I didn't win :'( So I met up with another friend for dinner (or more like my breakfast + lunch + dinner, cause I haven't eaten anything since morning).
What I wore: Accessories mentioned above, Top from UNIQLO, Shorts unknown, Shoes are mom's Clarks
During my dinner time, there were performances by local artists like Elizabeth Tan, Joe Flizzow, Sona One(I honestly didn't know he was a Malaysian). After that, concert taime!
Started off with Jun Sung Ahn, a YouTube violinist. He's quite cute, but I didn't really like subscribe to him, I mean, I knew who he was, and that he plays violin. I'm more like a piano person hehe :D
I couldn't take a clear picture of him performing Idk why so here are the pictures of him during the Q&A
Top: Jason Chen
Bottom: He took off his shirt and gave it out, and took a video of everyone
Madilyn Bailey
Kina Grannis

Sorry I know I'm super biased hahahaha there's like a lot more than this of David's photos and these are the clearest ones 

And here's the encore performance by all of them together, Happy by Pharrell Williams
Of course, never forget to take selfies with muh friends

Met up with them (James and Krystal) for dinner and concert
That sums it all up I guess! I can't wait for David to come back again omg! Please please please come back soon! No, not too soon, like after June 6th (my last paper for A2 ends then)!
Tata :3