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Shitterz. Best. • Food Foundry//Section 17
Friday, November 15, 2013 | Posted by XinJun |
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HELLO GAIS!Wheeeee I'm finally back! Oh man I've haven't updated my blog for more than a month I miss blogging so much :'(
Dayumn, AS almost killed me. Anyway, I guess I still prefer when I have classes, cause even during exam period, I have a lot of days where I don't have papers and the only things I can do is either stoning at home or going out somewhere to study (yes study, not anything else). I definitely gained weight. I mean, how can you not gain weight when all you do is eat, sleep, study. I think before I was done with law papers I was so stressed up I might have lost a tiny bit of weight but after that I was so much more relaxed that I kept eating whenever I have nothing to do ._.
And now that I'm all done with AS, I am as happy as, Idk, I'm happy. But I am very bored now that I don't have classes and I'm not rich enough to go out shopping, or whatever so I still stay at home. Of course I did go out few times to catch up with my friends :D
I actually went out the weekend right before my maths paper to catch up with my bunch of friends a.k.a Shitters cause one of em' came back for Deepavali.
Almond Salted Caramel Mille Crepe
Cafe Latte
Credits to Tasha
Shitters ♥
Till then! Love ya'll!
Labels: 2013, Cafe, Food, Food Porn