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KL Gangsters • Food Hunt//KL & Wangsa Maju
Monday, December 09, 2013 | Posted by XinJun |
2 comment/s
Eyyyooo! Here's a long due food hunt post with my college friends!Our initial plan was to go around KL and ya know, just eat everywhere. But we kinda wasted a lot of time going around and deciding what to eat so we ended up just going to 3 places. But we still went around KL so I guess it's still quite a successful trip.
First place we went was The Cream & Fudge Factory, this one we ordered was their Brownies Caramel Cheesecake with plain waffle, RM19.90, without government nor service tax so it's quite reasonable. And it's super yummy!
And then we took the LRT and went to Masjid Jamek, KL to this cafe called LOKL Coffee Co. It's actually quite a small place but quite a hipster and patriotic place I would say haha. There are posters of Tunku Abdul Rahman on the wall, and 'I love KL' and stuff like that, kinda cool place.
Crispy Shrimp Burger, details below.
Taken by the not fabulous Kal.
And after that we went back to Wangsa Maju by LRT again to this really really good cafe, Miss Ellie Tea House. Had their scones, chocolate and plain one, and their tea in Afternoon Blend and Darjeeling Blend. The total was about RM30+, I can't remember the prices in detail. But let me tell you, this is a must-go place for people who love to explore new cafes.
Oh, almost forgotten, the people who served us was super friendly :)
Honestly, I feel like food hunts like this, sharing food and going to many places actually costs lesser than going out to just one place and having a proper meal. The total money all four of us spent one average was about RM40 to 50 each.
And thus, the KL Gangsters (the only decent group photo ♥)
Labels: 2013, College, Food, Food Hunt