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“You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way.” - Lady Gaga
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Random Thoughts.
Monday, September 09, 2013 | Posted by XinJun |
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Oh man I can't believe my last post was in July. I am so sorry for the lack of update :( I've been so busy in the past month, and to be honest, I've been cracking my head to think of what to blog about. I hate it when I wanna blog but I have nothing to blog about, I'm sure any blogger out there would understand me.Anyway, I just have the sudden urge to be updating about the past 8 months of 2013. It had totally been a roller coaster experience for me as I'm out of my old routine, from going to school everyday, to having a long 3-4 months holiday, and then starting my college life. Many things happened, people came and left, some of you stayed with me even until now, and these are the people I'll definitely treasure the most.
You know, during random times, I start thinking back of the past, I'll start regretting about this and that, and that's perfectly normal cause, I mean, who doesn't regret? But regretting means you've learnt something from it and you are moving on. The thing I regret the most, like all the time, is not studying. Since my birthday (which was in July 10th fyi) I've told myself I'm going to start studying for mocks. Guess what, the usual, I procrastinated until the week before mocks, and I was not prepared at all for mocks. But thank God it was only mocks. I really realize now that, I'm in A-Level, it is totally different from high school, and that I can't be getting an A* by studying a week or two before exams.
Now that I think more than I used to, I realized, I am suitable for being single. Frankly speaking, I used to be thinking, I want a guy that I can rely on, someone to talk to me 24/7, someone I can cry to when I'm sad. But I tend to over think, like when someone starts talking to me all the time, either I get attached, or I get annoyed. I guess I really haven't met the right person yet. But for now, I don't wanna think about all these, I'd rather be the nerd and focus on my studies first, and ya know, friends are always better than boyfriend.
I'm sorry if this post bores you I know it's something I rarely do, just blogging about my feelings and all. But I really just feel like blogging this a lot. And maybe after a few months, weeks or even few days I'l take this down. I don't know. Unless I'm lazy. Haha! If you've read till here, I'm really happy that I have such reader, I love you! Hehe ♥ Of course, I know there are going to be people thinking, why is she acting all sentimental, or philosophical. I don't even care :)
And here's the usual, selfies! (Y)
Tata! Lots of love ♥
P.s. My new cover on SoundCloud :) Acoustic piano backtrack from