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Halfway to the End • Standing Theory//SS2 & Antipodean//Bangsar
Thursday, June 05, 2014 | Posted by XinJun |
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Waddup waddupppp! I'm back in action wooo! Did you miss me? You did, just say you did.Anywayy, A2 is finally over and I am so overwhelmed with the freedom I'm feeling right now! I can't believe this, just a year and few months ago, I was just at the orientation, being all alone with no friends and all, and now I'm done with A2, I'm now an A-Level graduate (I don't know what to call myself, so graduate it is). Last paper was over yesterday, psychology paper, and it sucked. What came out was what I never prepared, only flipped through, and what I prepared never came out. So to you going-to-be A-Level students, please, study everything, I really mean it.
Of course, after the paper ended, I went out for celebration. Watched Maleficent, and imo, it was the coolest Disney movie, ever. Honestly, the whole plot was just so catching!
What I wore: All cheap buys. (Don't mind the bad quality, it's at night)
After that, me and my friend went cafe hunting, and found this one called Standing Theory in SS2. This place, is gold. The food there is really awesome, the coffee is good, the pricing is fine. (Note: They do serve pork)
Their lunch and dinner menus are different
Of course.

Apple, Walnut & Tomato Linguine (refer to menu)
Miso Butter Chicken (totally recommend, refer to menu)
Bad lighting, bad quality, good good friend ♥
That sums up yesterday. Let's move on to today!
Went to Antipodean for the first time for brunch today.
What I wore (+ friends): Well, mostly from mum.
Photos courtesy of YP's iPhone
Big Breakfast, not as big portion as I thought it would be, mushrooms are the bomb.
Banana Pancakes w/ Butterscotch
Pardon my shit fringe hahaha
Haven't dressed up in ages ohmaigod cannot even.
Now that A2's over, I just can't wait for my Triple A ceremony (a.k.a. graduation/award ceremony kinda) to arrive so I can finally wear my dress and then I will be officially done with A-Level!
Time has finally come, for me to indulge in the stack of books (not kidding, there's like more than 10 of em). I'll try to update more often from here on, so please do come back and check out for my future updates!
Well then,

Labels: 2014, Cafe, College, Food