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Thursday, December 11, 2014 | Posted by XinJun |
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Hello hello, guess who got crowned as the prom queen

Anyway, I just attended my first annual ball in Help University on Monday (8/12) and well, that was a great experience! Wouldn't have expected myself to actually pay and attend for it if I hadn't joined the sub-committee. Since I'd be in this university for almost another 3 years, I might as well make more friends, try to enjoy the uni life, so I decided to be more active than I was in Sunway which is quite easy cause I was like totally anti-social then

So um I told myself, it's only your first year first semester, your target is to not spend money except for the ticket. And I did it! The dress was from YP, shoes were my mum's, clutch was Limin's. Okay actually I just remembered I bought the headchain, but it was cheap so whatever.
Utilized my hair color like ttm I pulled the top part the back so only the colored part is down, but I don't like the part near my scalp where the red faded completely so it's actually the ugly bleached color (time to color soon). Did my makeup myself too, I didn't have any idea how was I gonna do it plus I was in a major hurry so I had to just do it spontaneously, but I kinda like how it looks *thumbs up for myself*
The lovely ladies and my first few friends in Help

Honestly, if the photos' qualities are bad, I'm sorry cause if you'd understand they were all taken under low-light conditions and I've been waiting for the photos by the professional photographer to be up, but they aren't till now

But yeah, overall, it was real fun, but also real tiring cause I had to be there by 12+pm to help with decorations and then stayed back to clean up so I reached home at almost 2am. And here I am blogging about it 3 days later after being back from Port Dickson just this afternoon! Expecting my semester break to be a real hectic one since I'm travelling, working and volunteering, but it's a good thing so I don't have to rot at home!
Anyway, I'm adjusting myself to the new environment I'm in now, I still complain to my new coursemates and old friends cause they know how hard is it for me to transition myself from Sunway U to Help U. But I guess I'll leave out the rantings and end this here! Hopefully there'll be more updates this month, especially after my Singapore trip next week! Till then!
P.S. Here's my latest cover, my first try of an originally-duet song. I know the guitar instrumental is too boring hahahaha sorry man beginner here. But, comments are welcomed, critics too!
Labels: 2014, Annual Ball, University