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Saturday, July 26, 2014 | Posted by XinJun |
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Finally had the time for this birthday post! 
So um, few days ago was my birthday (10.07) and I've finally turned 19! You know how, when you're young, and you think that, omg I wanna grow up and have that freedom all adults have? Now I just wanna stop growing and stay a teenager... Yes I have the freedom I want now, but growing up means there'll be more choices and decisions to make, no more decisions made by parents, no more carefree life. You've gotta be responsible for the words you say, the things you do.
Okay okay enough of the emo speech, let's go back to my birthday celebrations!
So um firstly, I cannot thank you gais enough for all the wishes I've received on social medias. I am really grateful for all of them and God bless all of you ♡ Of course, I really appreciate those that have wished me personally, thank you all for taking your time to wish me, and remembering my birthday :)
Celebrated my birthday a day earlier with YP, without the bunch of shitters cause everyone were either away or busy, but am super happy that she made time for me. Original plan was to Fat Spoon, but since it was closed we went to The Good Batch down the street instead.
Generally, the food was good, big portion, tastes good, mine was The Good Stuff, and YP's was the Hangover Mess.
And then I went to FIQS Gastronomy to meet up with my college friends, one that was started up by myself and then took over by Kal to arrange haha so thanks Kal and Jac for setting this up for me ♡
Sometimes I wonder, why do I even know you hahahahaha, we weren't even in the same class since forever...
Thanks ♡
Kal: I wanna take your reactions when you open your present! Come I tie it back for you!
Why am I not looking at the camera
Really, thankkiu all (+ Jud)
On the day itself, I had brunch with the one and only, Whey Ling ♡ The only friend I had in A-Level who share the exact subjects as mine, and the kindest person you'll ever meet. Our plans always work, and our spontaneous trips were always fun. The only friend who wouldn't mind doing favors for you without anything in return, and was always there for me when I needed her (suddenly this is like her birthday hahahaha I should've saved this one for her birthday instead

So anyway, we wanted to try out Cat In The Box, but Idk was it because we were early or what, the only things they had was like bottled drinks so we left, cause we were both extremely hungry. And then we left for Jam & Kaya Cafe.
I really loved the food, and am definitely coming back to try their desserts one day! These were the Farmer's Pancakes Breakfast and Bolognese.
After that was Deliver Us From Evil, cause we had time to spend and both of us wanted to watch it, so why not! Well, everyone's been asking, was it good? To me, it was neither really good, or sucked, exorcism movies are more or less the same, so the plot was quite predictable, but the jumpscare points were there, so it would depend if you'd be okay with a cliche plot or not.
And then off to Bangsar! With my high school bunch, known each other since Form 1, well most of em. Especially Michelle, I think I've celebrated my birthday every year with her, which is something I'm really grateful of, for her being there for me all these while. Also, I missed the gossiping and all the stupid talks we had in high school with the whole bunch, the only bunch I can be so sampat with no matter where we are.
Wai you look at the screen not the lens hhahaha
Blur group photo from Anna's camera by this guy working there hahahaha
Had dinner at Yeast Bistronomy, and then Inside Scoop for dessert! Meeting up with them makes me super happy cause we talk about everything, and update each other about whatever we missed since we last met.
Supper at Sri Melur with the shitters yay (this time without YP tho)!! This is prolly the first time I've ever gone for a supper with my friends, since I have a curfew at 10, and even if I'm allowed to, I'm usually too lazy to go out so late at night.
I'm not gonna post the group photo here hahahaa cause I look super unglam. Being with them is always the most comfortable, cause they've seen me in my almost-pyjamas comfy clothes, they've seen my naked face, there's no need to dress up for a thing like a supper with them cause it is enjoyable the way it is.
Belated celebration with the ever so busy Limin cause her finals started on my birthday. Missed you so much best friend

Cause our polaroid photos look better than camera selfies hahaha
Limin calls this the vain face Idek
So these were all of the presents I've gotten this year, thankkiu all again for all these, I love every single one of them. Of course, I did celebrate with my family and got presents from them as well. Truely thank God for giving me the chance to be born and experience life, and my parents, for being my parents and giving birth of me. Thankkiu all for everything in the past 19 years (if you're 19 means you've lived for 19 years right?), and sorry for the mistakes I've done in the past. Love me or hate me, I am who I am.
This post was supposed to be up a long time ago but, I'm sorry hahaha I was busy (+lazy), but here you go! Thanks for reading!